Briançon: St. Catherine Barracks
Built from 1889 to 1891 for the 159th Infantry Regiment (two battalions).
St. Catherine Barracks
Located rue Général Barbot which separates it from Colaut Barracks. Built from 1889 to 1891 for the 159th Infantry Regiment (two battalions).
The barracks is made up of a collection of masonry buildings with hipped roofs covered with slates. The majority of buildings have an attic floor and a basement. There are two 3-storey buildings, one two-storey and one single-storey. Two buildings, on either side of the entrance, have a single ground floor with no attic or basement.
Consisting mainly of:
– two « troop » buildings (battalion buildings, 1875 portfolio type) n° 009 and 010, arranged to the left and right of the central courtyard. Identical buildings with four habitable levels, including a Mansard-style attic, plus an attic that can be visited and a partial basement
– a building (currently PC of the regiment-former infirmary) n°013 built after the two previous ones (1904), with three habitable levels including an attic à la Mansart, and partial basement. Building located at the back of the courtyard, U-shaped compared to the previous ones and offset from the main axis of the courtyard
– two buildings, 001 and 002, with a single ground floor, on either side of the entrance (police station, prison, general service, etc.)
– a building (007) with two habitable levels plus an attic and partial basement and various ancillary buildings, some of which are recent.