Fighting at the Placette pass
- La Sure en Chartreuse –outflanking maneuver
Par Jean Paul Noir, Florent Mezin et le Cne Courtois du Musée des Troupes de Montagne. et Sources: Juin 1940, Voreppe Rempart de Grenoble, co-écrit par Jean-Claude BLANCHET et Gaston REGNIER.

Coll. G Liebenguth
In the defence organisation established by General Cartier, task force No. 5, commanded by Colonel de Héricourt, adjacent to Voreppe TF, extends from the southern exit of Les Echelles to the Col de la Placette. As part of the the German army, outflanking maneuver of Voreppe the northern branch of this pincer aims to break through the French defence at the Col de la Placette.
On June 23, 1940 in the evening, the Germans reach Saint-Julien-de-Ratz. On the morning of June 24, the fighting rages. The losses on both sides are significant. At 12:00 p.m., the French defence diminishes. Supported by mortars, the enemy infantry seizes the pass in the middle of the day. The enemy can now descend on Voreppe, to outflank the French positions and facilitate the capture of the city. But because of the harsh French resistance, the Germans could not exploit this breakthrough and sweep behind Vorepper.
On the very site of the fighting, a monument to the glory of fallen soldiers was erected in 1941, on the initiative of Father Peyrola and thanks to the support of his parish of Pommiers la Placette. This stele recalls the memory of a sergeant and six soldiers who died for France during these final battles.
Sincères remerciements à la municipalité de La Sure en Chartreuse, au DMD 38 et au Musée des Troupes de Montagne pour leur soutien!