Armée des alpes Juin 1940
Sites > Pays du Voironnais (Isère) > Voreppe, last rampart!
Location code: 027

The forces at work

The balance of power seems to be against the French...

Par Jean Paul Noir, Florent Mezin et le Cne Léopold Courtois du musée des troupes de montagne.

Location code: 27
Access En voiture 30' de Grenoble
Parking Place Thevenet

Le rapport de forces semble défavorable aux Français...


General Cartier had relatively few troops at his disposal, just under 13,000 men, divided into seven groups drawn from a wide variety of corps.

The key sector of Voreppe/Saint-Egrève sector 6, is under the command of Colonel Brillat-Savarin.

French forces are heterogeneous

– 5 infantry companies (25 RTS, 2 RIC, 81 RI, 6 BCA)

– One battery of 65mm guns, two 75mm firing sections

– A detachment of navy gunners with 47mm and 65mm guns

A company of sappers


German forces

To take Grenoble, General Stumpf, commanding the 3rd Panzer Division, could count on 10,000 men comprising:

• two battalions of an armoured regiment with 150 tanks,
• an infantry battalion,
• a machine gun battalion,
• an artillery battalion,
• a pioneer battalion,
• a tank destroyer company,
• and an anti-aircraft battalion