Results of the fighting in Voreppe
On the French side, the mission is accomplished and the losses are moderate : 14 dead and 52 wounded. The enemy had to face a fierce resistance containing its assault and inflicting many casualties (22 dead, 87 plus equipement losses).
Par Jean Paul Noir, Florent Mezin et le Cne Courtois du Musée des Troupes de Montagne et Sources: Juin 1940, Voreppe Rempart de Grenoble, co-écrit par Jean-Claude BLANCHET et Gaston REGNIER.

These fightings had a strong psychological impact . They prove to be decisive not only in the context of the armistice negotiations (Grenoble will not be occupied at least immediately) but also in the context of the preparation of ”la revanche”.
The Army of the Alps, an undefeated army, will be demobilised on the spot and will not go into captivity. These glorious combats of the Battle of the Alps, at the time when France signed the armistice with Germany, already announce the beautiful chapters of the book of the Resistance in the Alps.
The city of Voreppe was named « valiant » in 1940 and « resistant » in 1944; it was later mentioned in despatches
The german 3rd Armoured Division reinforced with motorized units, was held in check and could not reach Grenoble.Yet, this same division had participated in the campaign of Poland and Belgium, had pierced the Weygand line in the Somme, … The German units buriedtheir killedin the castle of Moirans. Destroyed tanks are collected. The German wounded and prisoners are returned to their units.

Monument de Voreppe
© F.Mézin

© J.C. Blanchet