Armée des alpes Juin 1940
Location code: 011

Defence of the last gate leading to Chambéry

General Cartier ordered Colonel Trolliet, who was in charge of defending Chambéry, to hold firm.

Par GDI (2S) Michel KLEIN

Location code: 11
Access en voiture

On 23 June 1940, in view of the advance of the German units, General Cartier decided to set up the last defence of Chambéry on the line the Revard range-Clarafond-Drumettaz- Aix-les-Bains golf course-Tresserve hill -Lac du Bourget.

He ordered Colonel Trolliet, who was in charge of the defence, to hold the line without retreating  spirit. Obstacles were set up.

At dawn on 24 June, German reconnaissance vehicles rolled out of Aix-les-Bains; the first vehicles were destroyed. The enemy infantry attacked along the entire front. The French units resisted, except on the left wing. A counter-attack led by Colonel Trolliet re-established the position. Reinforcements arrived in Chambéry. Throughout the morning, the Germans were under fire from all weapons – machine guns, 81mm mortars, 75mm cannons – and were unable to advance further.

At 12.45 p.m., the German artillery on the Marlioz heights opened fire on all the French strongpoints for over three hours; two platoon leaders were killed by splinters and many wounded evacuated.

When the artillery fire stopped, the German infantry attacked again, making an effort along the lake; a breach was made, but defence was firmly reorganized. At the foot of the Revard, Alpine Light Infantry also came under heavy attack with infiltration, but no break-through. Chambéry was saved from German occupation.