Difficult fighting at Saint-Génix-sur-Guiers
At Saint-Génix-sur-Guiers, German units of 13th Motorised Infantry Division were tasked with seizing Chambéry.
Par GDI (2S) Michel KLEIN
A unit attacking on the right bank of the Rhône succeeded in crossing the river at the Groslée bridge 15 km north of Saint-Génix; this bridge, destroyed by French engineers, was repaired by German pioneers. From ahigh ground of left bank, French 65 mm guns delivered heavy fire on the German columns joining the Groslée bridge; German casualties were high.
The Germans reached the outskirts of the town at around 5 p.m. on 23 June; the Saint-Génix bridge was blown up at around 5.50 p.m., but not sufficiently. Infantrymen of 11th Coy, DI (Infantry Detachment) 143, engaged the enemy on the left bank of the Guiers. The French 75mm guns took under fire second echelon units.
As the Germans crossed the Guiers and held the Pont de Beauvoisin sector, Colonel de Bissy ordered the units defending Saint-Génix to withdraw before being caught in the rear. As a result, the narrower in size front was carriedup to the first heights of lower Savoie, holding the passes leading to Novalaise and Aiguebelette as well as the town of La Bridoire. On the morning of 24 June, the Germans resumed their advance eastwards.